UN – United Nations

Your comment can give a child a shot at life

Every 20 seconds, a child dies of a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine. You can help slow down the clock – and all you have to do is comment. Today is the start of Blogust, a month-long initiative of the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign to support the United Nations and its partners in expanding access to vaccines for children in developing countries.Every day during August, a leading blogger will share a […]

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How Amanda Peet Is Helping Children Everywhere — and How You Can, Too

When our daughter Frankie turned 5, it felt like suddenly a window opened up to her future. We were flooded with thoughts of how her personality would start to unfold as she grew older, and of who she could become. At 5 we started to get a glimpse of who that person will be… Read the rest of Amanda Peet’s blog at www.babble.com. Editor’s Note: Throughout August, top bloggers are using their voices to help protect

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6 Ways to Help the UN Today

On July 18th, United Nations Volunteers started their “25 Days Equals 25 Ways to Take Action” campaign.  The campaign, which connects Nelson Mandela International Day (July 18) to International Youth Day (August 12), encourages you to commit to at least one voluntary act during the next 25 days.  We figured we’d help you out by sharing this list of six easy ways to make the world a better place: 1.  Thank UN Peacekeepers You sent

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Chicago Teen Takes Action for Girls Worldwide

“This is so cool. I have to be a part of this,” said 18-year-old Martha Zuniga, describing her reaction to learning about the UN Foundation’s Girl Up campaign. Martha, who just graduated from Chicago Tech Academy High School in Chicago, Illinois, has served as a Teen Advisor for Girl Up over the past year. Teen Advisors are public advocates for the campaign and offer their ideas and feedback on its activities. And though they all share an enthusiasm

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My Experience as the U.S. Youth Observer at the UN

Serving as the U.S. Youth Observer at the United Nations is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for youth to engage in development and diplomacy. This role allowed me to travel around the U.S. and abroad to speak to young people about how they can become more engaged in the work of the UN, as well as how they can organize grassroots initiatives in their own communities. In addition to working with U.S. youth, I worked with 40

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UN Youth Envoy: Working with & for youth

Today the world celebrates International Youth Day and the power of young people.  In recognition of this day, I recently spoke with Ahmad Alhendawi, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth.  Excerpts from our interview are below.  This has been lightly edited for length and readability. Jenni Lee: Can you describe your role as the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, and what are your goals in the position? Ahmad Alhendawi: I first work to bring the

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In Tanzania, the UN at Work

When I think of the United Nations, the first images in my mind are often the iconic UN headquarters building in New York, or news photos of heads of state speaking in the General Assembly Hall, or delegates listening intently to translations of speakers from other nations. These images represent one of the most important functions of the UN – the only institution that brings together all nations to discuss the big issues, to negotiate

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Raising 14-Year-Olds Ain’t For Punks: Blogust Day 14

She started high school last week—left this house in a ball of nerves and excitement and fear and delight, curious about this new, independent path she was about to walk, sans her mother’s hand to squeeze during the scary parts. I offered to make her an omelet. She wasn’t hungry. I plotted to drive her two blocks to the bus stop. Her father told her to walk, and he parked a block away, in case her ride

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All Aboard for Social Change

The UN Foundation is excited to partner with the Millennial Trains Project (MTP) because entrepreneurs serve as a great catalyst for social change. Last week, our Resident Entrepreneur Elizabeth Gore joined 24 enterprising millennials for MTP’s inaugural 10-day transcontinental train journey from San Francisco to Washington D.C.  These 24 entrepreneurs are currently traveling across the country, stopping in seven cities along the way, to advance projects that benefit local communities. Below is a brief Q

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