Ending Extreme Poverty | unfoundation.org

Today is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and a fitting time to learn about where we are in the fight to end poverty.

Currently, 1.2 billion people live on less than $1.25 a day. Yet there is reason to be optimistic: Between 1990 and 2010, the global poverty rate was cut in half, which means about 700 million fewer people are living in extreme poverty. Our work is far from done, but today is a reminder that we must act – and when we do, progress is possible.

To learn more about extreme poverty, check out the videos below from international development economist and UN Foundation Senior Fellow John McArthur. You can also follow him on Twitter at @mcarthur.

You can join the United Nations in reducing extreme poverty by supporting the Millennium Development Goals – eight goals established by the UN and world leaders in 2000 to address poverty, hunger, education, health, the environment, and more. Visit un.org/millenniumgoals for more information.

What progress has the world made in addressing extreme poverty?



What are the biggest challenges to reducing and ultimately ending extreme poverty?



What gives you hope in the world?



You can also help raise awareness on social media!  

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