Entrepreneurs Step Up for the Global Goals

Entrepreneurs Step Up 600

It is an exciting time to be an entrepreneur. The world is finally waking up to the idea that entrepreneurs are engines of economic growth and key drivers of global prosperity.

One only has to look at Goal 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which addresses jobs and economic growth, to see that there is a new recognition of how the business sector can help accelerate progress on shared global initiatives. I strongly believe that entrepreneurs are a key driving force for change in the world, and by encouraging entrepreneurship on a global level, we can achieve social and economic impact and help lift millions out of poverty.

Over 600 million new jobs will be needed in the next decade to fully employ the world’s eligible workforce. But individuals can no longer just look for a job; many will have to create their own.

With the right enabling environment entrepreneurs can make major contributions to their communities, to progress on jobs, and to our whole sustainable development agenda.

With this idea in mind, I stepped into my new role as Chair of the United Nations Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council (GEC). Created in 2011, the GEC brings together the brightest talent to help the UN and the UN Foundation reach new audiences and enhance public-private partnerships. Now in its third iteration, we have the opportunity to strengthen the capabilities of entrepreneurs in developing markets and to advance the UN’s efforts to foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Over the weekend, we announced the first five members of the Council. These entrepreneurial rockstars are motivated, enthusiastic, and come to the Foundation with invaluable expertise. Entrepreneurship is a central component of the new global goals, and I can’t wait to see where we go next on this amazing journey.

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