Falling for Change | unfoundation.org

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Fall, my favorite season, is officially here (at least in my hometown of D.C.).  I love the crispness in the air, the colorful leaves, and cozy sweaters. Most of all, I love the feeling of “change” everywhere.

This fall, the United Nations Foundation is embracing the season of change with three exciting initiatives to give everyone, everywhere the chance to make a difference in their community and around the world. We are harnessing the latest technologies and social media to empower people to change the world – by sparking a global conversation on social good, raising awareness through online games, and creating a global movement that values giving. We hope you learn more and join the season of change!

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s happening:

You can join the Global Conversation on how technology and social media can help solve the world’s greatest challenges

–    This year’s Social Good Summit, held during United Nations Week from September 22-24, sparked a record-setting global conversation using social media and technology for good. The Summit united people participating online and in-person in nearly 300 cities, including New York, Beijing, and Nairobi around one goal: unlocking the potential of social media and technology to make the world a better place. Missed the Summit? Don’t worry, you can still join the Global Conversation, watch the panel discussions on the livestream page (cool feature – you can watch in 7 languages!) or check out backstage interviews on the UN Foundation’s YouTube page.

You’re a click away from being a digital champion for a better world and from winning BIG with the Global Good Challenge

–    The Global Good Challenge rewards participants with unique prizes for “donating their voices” by taking action and engaging their online networks to support the United Nations’ work to address some of the world’s toughest challenges. By watching videos, taking quizzes, sharing posts, and completing other actions, participants in the Global Good Challenge will be able to enter raffles for prizes like VIP backstage passes for a Lady Gaga concert, tickets to the MTV Video Music Awards, or a visit to the set of “The Celebrity Apprentice.”

Click, play, and advocate today at: www.unf.org/good.

You’ve heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Now, there’s a new day in the Holiday Season – a day to give back called #GivingTuesday

–    On Tuesday, November 27, 2012, the collective power of charities, families, businesses, and individuals will transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. #GivingTuesday will create a national moment around the holidays dedicated to giving, similar to how Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become days that are synonymous with holiday shopping.

The goal for #GivingTuesday is to become a major part of the holiday season, one that puts giving at the forefront in November, as opposed to it being an afterthought in December or the New Year.  It will inspire people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities and give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they support and help create a better world.

Visit www.GivingTuesday.org and find out what others are planning and how you can get involved.

Join us in one, if not all, of the new campaigns as we make fall the greatest season of change.

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