Get a Shot. Give a Shot.


This week marked the launch of Shot@Life’s third Get a Shot. Give a Shot® campaign in partnership with Walgreens. This partnership has resulted in more than 7 million life-saving vaccines donated to children around the globe through Shot@Life.

Sadly, one in five children worldwide lack access to life-saving immunizations, and a child dies every 20 seconds from a vaccine-preventable disease. Changing these statistics so more children survive and thrive is a key priority of the United Nations and the UN Foundation.

You can help: Now, through August 31, 2016, one life-saving vaccine will be donated to Shot@Life for every immunization administered at a Walgreens pharmacy, Healthcare Clinic, or Duane Reade pharmacy (up to $2 million).

Coordinated worldwide vaccination efforts have made significant progress in protecting children, particularly in reducing cases of measles and polio. By expanding our partnership with Walgreens, we can make a difference for children around the globe.

We need everyone’s support to make Get a Shot. Give a Shot® a success. Walgreens locations in most states offer a wide range of 17 CDC-recommended vaccines, including those to protect against shingles, pneumonia, pertussis (whooping cough), meningitis, hepatitis, and other diseases (although vaccine regulations vary by state).  When planning your and your family’s immunization needs, I encourage you to please choose Walgreens and help us reach our goal to provide millions of children around the world access to life-saving vaccines.

Please also help us spread the word on social media.  When receiving an immunization at Walgreens, take and share a “selfie” displaying your red bandage and using the hashtag #giveashot through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. On Fridays through mid-November, Walgreens will select the best images to appear in a share-back video posted via Walgreens social channels on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information on Get a Shot. Give a Shot®, visit

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