Gift a Net and Save a Life this #GivingTuesday


By Rachel Henderson

Last minute holiday shopping. We’ve all been there – one week before the holidays you’re scrambling to find the perfect gift. According to data from Deloitte, gift cards are the most popular holiday gift, purchased by 43% of Americans.

You may not want to give a gift card though, and this is the year to give something special! Black Friday and Cyber Monday are still more than 10 days away, and there’s still time to think creatively about gifts for your loved ones this holiday season. If you’re looking for a simple, but meaningful gift, consider this:

“Gift a Net” through the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign in honor of your friends and loved ones, and help the UN and partners protect children and families in sub-Saharan Africa from malaria.

Now through #GivingTuesday (December 2), Nothing But Nets aims to raise 5,000 nets through its Gift a Net holiday giving campaign so that thousands of children and families get to celebrate many more holidays too.

Not enough motivation yet? Well here are three more reasons you should Gift a Net this holiday season:

1. Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry is going to Gift a Net in honor of each of his teammates on #GivingTuesday, and he wants you to join him. He’s leading a Three for Three Challenge to support Nothing But Nets this NBA season, sending three life-saving nets for every three-pointer he makes.

2. The Gift a Net campaign is inspired by Nothing But Nets Champions like Lynda and Katherine Commale, the incredible mother-daughter duo from Downingtown, Pennsylvania. In 2006, they started their own fundraising campaign through their church, including selling holiday gift certificates to help send nets to families in Africa. At just 6 years old, Katherine helped her mom hand-decorate each gift certificate sold. They have raised $200,000 for Nothing But Nets since then.

3. Two generous donors have agreed to match any donations you make – that means your impact is immediately doubled, and you’re helping to protect more families from malaria.

So Gift a Net and save a life this holiday season!

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