Global Entrepreneurs Council Come to Washington, D.C.

Recently, some of America’s top entrepreneurs gathered at the United Nations Foundation to learn more about what we do and to help us inject innovation into our work helping the U.N. solve the world’s biggest problems like disease, poverty, climate change and gender discrimination.

These innovators are part of the Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council (GEC) – a group of leaders dedicated to bringing new ideas and fresh thinking to our efforts.

The members of 2013-2014 Council are experienced and impressive entrepreneurs: Neil Blumenthal, Ruma Bose, Barbara Bush, Troy Carter, Ido Leffler, Haroon Mokhtarzada, Narry Singh, Julie Smolyansky, Ingrid Vanderveldt, and Tina Wells. The GEC members come from varied industries such as media, business and technology, but the one thing they all have in common is a desire to build a better world.

During their visit, the GEC members began the process of developing a new project to elevate the youth voice globally. Stay tuned – the group will announce more details this fall!  In the meantime, check out this Storify to learn more about the GEC’s meeting.


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