Going to the Source: Teen Girls Give Advice on How to Empower Girls

gu1What is one thing world leaders should do to empower girls worldwide? That’s the question we put to the Girl Up campaign’s current class of Teen Advisors.

Girl Up works with youth to raise awareness and funds for United Nations programs that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls.

The Teen Advisors – 20 young leaders from diverse geographic, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds – share ideas and feedback on the campaign and help lead the global movement for girls’ rights.

Check out their answers on how world leaders can empower girls: 

“World leaders should bring girls and their rights into discussion. The more they talk about it, the more attention it will bring to girls internationally. Give us a platform to use our voices.”
– Kaitlin Hung

“I think world leaders need to ensure that programs supporting girls are aimed at the right demographic, reaching those who are often overlooked yet are most vulnerable. Currently, programs reaching children 0-5 years old or young adults neglect the pressing needs of adolescent girls.”
– Carly Bandt

“World leaders should empower girls worldwide by listening to them and giving their opinions voice.”
– Alex Leone

“One thing world leaders should do to empower girls worldwide is to act as role models and promote women in their own administrations. It’s hard to listen to a president or prime minister say that we need to support girls and women if they are not employing women and appointing them positions in their own administrations!”
– Lindsay Schrier

“They should acknowledge women’s work and give recognition to women who have done above and beyond the stereotypes.”
– Aklesiya Dejene

“To empower girls and women, world leaders must keep their ‘listening ears’ on and their minds open. World leaders should recognize that girls and women have a voice that needs to be heard and take in to account our ideas, suggestions, and perspectives.”
– Sarah Gale

“Include girls in discussions about world development.”
– Kate McCollum

“To empower girls, world leaders need to realize that giving girls the rights and opportunities they deserve isn’t just a matter of human rights, but is also an acknowledgement that involving women and girls benefits the country as a whole as well. This recognition ensures that the meaning of empowering girls isn’t lost in the effort of getting them empowered.”
– Sarah Gordon 

“World leaders should recognize the importance of girls and include girls in discussions.”
– Anna McGuire

To learn more about the challenges facing girls worldwide and how you can help, follow @GirlUp on Twitter.

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