Help Make the Angry Birds Happy

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I’m an Angry Bird, but I can’t help but be happy today. I am being designated by the United Nations Secretary-General as the Honorary Ambassador for Green on the International Day of Happiness, which is Sunday, March 20. It’s enough to warm my little Red heart!

On this day, we are celebrating the planet that serves as our home. Everyone knows how much I love my home. Chuck, Bomb, Matilda, and I won’t let any pigs hurt it. But our problems are bigger than those nasty pigs – we need to protect our home from climate change, too.

Climate change is already impacting the world in large and small ways. I’m already seeing rising sea levels around our island, and we are getting stronger storms than when I was a hatchling. And sometimes it gets so hot, I can barely get the slingshot working. That really ruffles my feathers.

So today, with the UN and partners like UNDP, we’re taking action. The world’s leaders already committed to global agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support ways to lessen the impact of climate change. And I see that UNDP has been supporting people to make changes in their communities. The only way we can meet this challenge is if we all do our part.

The things we can do are easy – walk or ride a bike instead of riding in a car. When you go shopping, bring your own bag. Conserve water. And for goodness’ sake turn off the lights when you leave a room. All of these actions add up to make a difference.

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to travel the world to tell everyone to go green. We didn’t let the pigs invade our territory so why would we let climate change? So please join me and send a tweet, record a vine, or take a photo that shows you raising your voice and taking action for a better planet. Post it with #AngryBirdsHappyPlanet.

By taking action, you’ll make this Angry Bird very happy!

Editor’s Note: On International Day of Happiness, UNDP and The Angry Birds Movie are joining forces to encourage everyone to “Take Urgent Action Against Climate Change and Its Impacts” in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out more about the campaign here.

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