How To Write A Server Resume - a group of restaurant servers.

How To Write A Server Resume – FREE TEMPLATE :

Publié le 20 June 2024

Par unjobvacanicies

If you are looking for a role that will allow you to think on your feet, showcase your customer service skills and provide flexibility with scheduling, being a server could be a great job for you. As an entry-level role, it’s perfect for people of all ages and career stages. If you are a student or parent, flexible working hours can help you create a strong work-life balance.  

Knowing how to a write a server resume that showcases your communication skills, customer service aptitude, and related work experience will greatly boost your chances of getting hired. 

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If you’re wondering how to write a server resume, we’ve created a free template for you to use during the application process. Download it here:

What Does A Server Do? 

A server greets customers when they arrive at a restaurant, bar or similar establishment. They seat customers, take their orders, bring food and drinks and throughout their time in the restaurant. Serves shoudl be able to provide information and make recommendations about dishes, including potential allergens. They work to create a unique and positive experience for customers. They also have additional duties including collecting payment, cashing out registers, collecting used dishes, assisting in kitchen and completing various tasks around the restaurant to ensure its smooth operation. 

Career Prospects for a Server? 

The career prospects for a server are considered moderate to good across the country. According to Job Bank Canada, by 2031 there will 45,000 available server jobs with 52,100 job seekers looking to fill them. The pandemic era was very hard on the hospitality industry, but there has been a return to growth and expansion, leading to new opportunities for qualified people looking to break in. 

When you’re getting ready to apply for a job opportunity as a server in a restaurant, be sure to customize this resume template in order to best highlight your abilities, skills and related work experiences. Your server resume needs to highlight a few key attributes so that hiring managers see that you are the best person for the job.  

1. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication skills 

Strong communication skills are incredibly important when working as server in the hospitality industry. You must be able to communicate clearly and concisely with whomever comes through the door, without hesitation or confusion. Non-verbal communication skills are also necessary, as body language can have big influence on the tone of any interactions. Being able to be open, warm and respectful with your words and body language will make any customer feel at ease, and ensure they feel welcome and more likely to become repeat visitors. 

2. Problem-Solving Experience 

One of the benefits of working in a restaurant environment is that no two days are exactly alike. This can also be a drawback depending on your point of view. There is a level of inherent unpredictability, where unexpected challenges can appear at any time. This can include sudden menu changes, supply issues, upset customers or tech issues. You must be able to think on your feet and be unafraid to solve these problems as soon as they occur. Your server resume should highlight your ability to stay calm under pressure and provide concrete examples of difficult situations you addressed effectively. 

3. Sales Experience 

Being a server in a restaurant also requires a certain aptitude for sales. The restaurant will likely have specific menu items and specials that they wish to promote, and it is a server’s job to promote these to customers. A server must be familiar with the menu and ongoing special offers and be prepared to describe them to customers in a manner that makes them enticing. If your server resume contains examples of your sales experience, it can showcase your ability to positively influence a customer towards certain products while enhancing their overall experience. 

4. Customer Service Experience 

A good server obviously needs to have strong customer service skills and experience. Much of the job entails interacting with people, taking orders, offering advice, addressing complaints and ensuring that they have as pleasant as experience as possible. Use your server resume to highlight how you’ve developed positive relationships with customers by offering top-tier service. Your resume should mention how you have experience resolving customer problems professionally and efficiently. 

5. Commitment to Continuous Learning and Adaptation 

One of the benefits of working in a restaurant or similar establishment is that no two days are identical. Things are constantly changing, and servers must be will able to learn and adapt on the go. This can include remember about new specials, learning about new dishes and their unique seasonal ingredients, and be able to quickly adapt to all changes in the restaurant. This shows your passion for the restaurant industry and your willingness to invest in your professional development to offer exceptional service to customers. 

Now you have an improved idea of how to write a server resume, you’ll be able to showcase your skills, knowledge and experience in the hospitality industry. By customizing this resume template, you’ll be able to impress a hiring manager for the right reasons and boost your chances of getting hired for a role as server. 

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