In Case You Missed It

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Taking a break from Olympics coverage to plug back into the news?  We’ve got just the thing for you.  Welcome to In Case You Missed It, a round-up of news on the United Nations Foundation and the issues we care about.  Here’s what has been happening this week:

  • Ted Talks: UN Foundation Founder and Chairman Ted Turner talks to Variety about his global priorities, why he started the UN Foundation and more.  Check it out here.
  • Introducing the Newest Member of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves: On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that South Africa joined the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
  • Powerful Pictures Highlight the Tragedy of Child Marriage: On CNN, Christiane Amanpour interviews photographer Stephanie Sinclair about her work on child marriage.
  • Comments Changing Lives: The Shot@Life campaign’s Blog Relay for Good, also known as Blogust, is off to a strong start.  Help us cross the finish line: Comment on a participating blog and help immunize a child in a developing country against some of the deadliest diseases.  Visit to find out how to participate.
  • Running for More Than a Medal:  I couldn’t resist mentioning the Olympics! Read the moving story of Guor Marial, a marathon runner born in South Sudan who overcame hardship to make it to the Olympic Games.

We know there are more great stories out there.  What did we miss?  Tell us what you’re reading, and stay tuned to the blog for updates on how we’re working with the United Nations to create global change.

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