Istanbul and Beyond: Join the Conversation on Meeting Humanitarian Challenges


On Monday, May 23 – the first day of the World Humanitarian Summit – the United Nations Foundation will host a discussion on how the international community can better meet today’s humanitarian challenges.

We want you to join – because we all have a stake in the humanitarian crisis, and we can all do something to make a difference for the 125 million people around the world who need aid because of forces beyond their control, from climate change to conflict.

How can you participate?

Tune into a discussion at 7pm local time in Istanbul and 12pm local time in Washington, D.C.

Representatives from the United Nations, the private sector, the public policy sphere, and humanitarian aid groups will provide a read-out from Istanbul on the first day of the World Humanitarian Summit, followed by a discussion in Washington, D.C. on current humanitarian challenges and the crucial issues and opportunities ahead of us, including how to build on progress leading into the General Assembly High-Level Meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants and the U.S. Summit on refugees in September.

Visit this page to watch the event online, and share your thoughts and ideas with the hashtag #Share Humanity.

If you need more information on the World Humanitarian Summit, you can read our blog that lays out the “who, what, where, when, and why” or visit 

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is convening the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit to renew our commitment to humanity and share ways to better meet the needs of people who are suffering from humanitarian emergencies. 

The World Humanitarian Summit is an important moment in an ongoing dialogue on humanitarian issues that will continue in the months ahead.

We hope you tune in and share your voice on May 23.

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