Join Me in Giving Children a Shot@Life

Mother’s Day should be a happy time. But for a mother whose child died from pneumonia, this Mother’s Day will be a tragic reminder of everything she’s lost. With a simple vaccine, this all-too-common tragedy can be prevented…for millions of mothers and their children. But we need your help to make a difference.

The United Nations Foundation is launching the Shot@Life campaign so that children don’t suffer or die from completely preventable diseases. It’s simple: providing a vaccine for a child will save a life. And you can make a difference for just $20. For many people that is just the cost of a night out at the movies or a meal. For that amount you can help provide a child with a lifetime of immunity from pneumonia, diarrhea, polio and measles.

A child dies every twenty seconds from preventable diseases. When you donate to Shot@Life you are giving a child a chance to live. Will you join me in helping us get this campaign off to a strong start?

Our goal is to vaccinate 1,000 children by Mother’s Day, May 13. I can think of no better Mother’s Day gift than to save the lives of 1,000 children. Will you help a child or two today? Vaccinating 1,000 children by Mother’s Day is ambitious, but it’s exactly the first step we need to show we’re serious about eliminating these preventable diseases.

I created the UN Foundation fourteen years ago to support the United Nation’s life-saving and life-changing work across the world. Since day one, the Foundation and supporters like YOU have been committed to helping accomplish big things and create a better world. Helping the UN provide immunizations so children can survive and thrive is one of them. As a father and grandfather, this campaign makes me proud and I hope we can help even more children.

Help us reach our goal of saving 1,000 children by Mother’s Day. Please join the thousands of Shot@Life supporters who are uniting to give children a shot at a happy, healthy life. Your voice and your support can change a child’s life forever.

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