Join Pharrell Williams and the UN for a Happy Planet

March 20 is the International Day of Happiness, and one thing that has become clear over recent decades: Happy people need a happy planet.

Right now, the health of our planet is threatened by climate change. According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, scientists are now more certain than ever that climate change is real, it’s caused by human activities, and it’s already affecting us.

If we’re going to live in a world where every person has the chance to be happy and healthy, then we need clean air, communities that aren’t endangered by rising sea levels, and food supplies that aren’t threatened by extreme weather, to name a few.


But make no mistake: There is hope. Moving to clean energy sources and cutting emissions and energy waste can spur new businesses, economic opportunities, and a cleaner environment.

So we have solutions; now we need action.

That’s why for the International Day of Happiness, the United Nations Foundation has teamed up with the UN and Grammy Award-winning musician Pharrell Williams to encourage people to take climate action.

There are a few easy ways to join us:

  1. Sign the Live Earth petition to tell world leaders to act on climate.
  1. Join Pharrell Williams and the UN Foundation for the “Happy Party for a Happy Planet.” On March 20, visit and upload four photos of yourself, which will be transformed into an animated gif to the tune of Pharrell William’s hit song, “Happy.”
  1. On Friday, March 20, tune in to UN TV at 5:00pm ET for an event at the UN with Pharrell Williams, students, and leading environmental experts about how to tackle climate change:
  1. Raise your voice online using the hashtag #HappyDay so your friends, family, and social networks know that you want a #HappyPlanet.

Tweet this: Join @Pharrell & @unfoundation at the Happy Party at to raise your voice for climate action! #HAPPYDAY #HAPPYPLANET




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