Join the Movement and Take a Chance at Winning a New iPad

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It’s summer – it’s hot, the days are longer, but most importantly it means classes have let out for students across the United States. It’s a great time to think about the world around us and the importance of the United Nations. Sunday marks the UN’s International Day of Youth, and we are celebrating by updating you on our My World. My UN. contest – a chance to win a brand new iPad.

First, make sure you watch the video that started it all…



Next, grab your camera, video camera or phone and take a quick video answering the question “What does the UN mean to you?”  Can’t take a video? No worries — pick a photo that moves you or even write a few words about why the UN matters to you. Then all that’s left is to submit it online.

The deadline for submissions is October 24, 2012, United Nations Day. On October 24th, we will announce the top three finalists and give the world the chance to vote. The winner will receive a brand new iPad. It’s that simple!

Add your voice and spread the word, share on Twitter and Facebook. You have to between 14-25 to enter, but don’t let that stop you from spreading the word!

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