Meet Nala |

Every year, more than 7 million children die from preventable diseases before their fifth birthday. With so many statistics like this, it becomes hard to wrap our minds around what that means. It means that every day, not one, but thousands, of mothers lose a child to a disease that existing, simple solutions could prevent. A bed net could protect a child from malaria, a vaccine could protect him or her from pneumonia or measles.

We have the tools we need to make sure every child, everywhere sees their fifth birthday, and they grow up to use other tools, like clean-burning cookstoves and access to voluntary family planning, to keep the cycle going.

Through our campaigns and initiatives, the UN Foundation works hard to raise awareness and funding to support the life-saving work of the UN and its partners around the world.

Below, learn about the tools and programs that help Nala, and millions of children like her, to not only live until their fifth birthdays, but also grow up to be healthy, well-educated moms who have safer pregnancies and healthy children.

Leap Year

Shot @ Life Shot @ Life Shot @ Life mHealth mHealth mHealth Nothing But Nets Nothing But Nets Nothing But Nets Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Girl Up Girl Up Universal Access Project Universal Access Project Universal Access Project Girl Up

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