Moms meet fashion. Fashion meets causes.

NY Fashion Week was transformed this week. There was still high fashion, a runway and even a stylist and a make-up team. But at Strut – The Fashionable Mom Show, there were also moms from all walks of life who do extraordinary things. My role in the fashion show was to showcase much more than evening wear – I was showcasing Shot@Life. In a room full of of mission-driven moms, I couldn’t think of a better place to spread the word about Shot@Life and the fact that we can help save a child’s life every 20 seconds by increasing access to global vaccines for children around the world.

As I walked down the runway (watch the YouTube video here), I was between a mom who fights for a cure for breast cancer and a mom who dedicated her life to serve in the Marines. And, I was even luckier to be joined in style by Shot@Life champions – Chrysula Winegar and Holly Pavlika (click on their names to watch them walk down the runway)! There was not one mom I met who did not passionately talk about their cause, their community and of course, their kids. It made me realize that all the mothers I meet here in the U.S. or miles away have one thing in common: we believe in the power of one – one mom, one community or one mission to change a future. Now why shouldn’t we strut that stuff?

Here’s to moms.

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