Mom+Social sweepstakes winner |

We are excited to announce our winner of the Mom+Social Sweepstakes as part of the Global Mom Relay. Congratulations to Chelsea Kidd winner of two tickets to Mom+Social in New York City. We had a chance to talk to Chelsea about what inspired her to join the Global Mom Relay.

How did you learn about the Global Mom Relay?
Someone in a Facebook parenting group shared Amanda Peet’s post, and from there I started reading the other posts and learning about the other great causes supported by the relay.

Are you a mom yourself?
I am. I have a three-year-old son.

Was there a Global Mom Relay post that inspired you the most?
Elizabeth Gore’s piece, “Does Being a Blessed Society Make Us Dangerous?” was something I would have shared even if it weren’t part of the Global Mom Relay. The mixture of gratitude and outrage is something I really appreciate. Living in a developed country gives us some incredible opportunities, but there’s plenty to be upset about, and I think the post expressed that frustration perfectly.

What are you looking forward to most about joining moms and experts from around the globe at Mom+Social?  Can you tell us a little about your guest?
Being a mom, especially a young one, can be very isolating at times. Thanks to the internet, though, I’ve found moms from varying backgrounds who share certain values. Their support and insight have helped me grow as a person and as a mother. My friend Kristine is one of those moms. She and I both have three-year-old sons and believe in responsive, science-based parenting. Kristine and these other parents have become my parenting community across borders. It’s a shrinking world. We have to work together to make it better, and that’s what Mom + Social is all about.

What is the best advice your mom every gave you?
She’s never said this outright,  but as long as I can remember, my mother has demonstrated how important it is to find humor in the strange, unexpected, and even unpleasant circumstances of life. If you’re laughing through your tears, you’re still laughing. Realizing that has helped me through some tough times in my life.

What is the one thing you think the global community can do to better support mothers around the world?
We need to give moms worldwide the choice of pursuing education, working outside the home, or staying home with their kids, not based on finances but on their own interests and abilities. Moms are people, too, and recognizing that, letting them work to their strengths, benefits all of society.

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