New UN Campaign to Fight LGBTI Bullying

UN Free and Equal

While children everywhere face bullying, LGBTI youth often face higher levels of taunting, name-calling, and violence at school, home, and in their community. The United Nations notes that children who experience this kind of abuse have a higher risk of anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem, self-harm, depression, and suicide. They are also more likely to skip or drop out of school.

According to a recent UNESCO report, a study from the United States found that 70% of LGBT students felt unsafe at school, and a survey in China discovered that 59% of LGBT respondents reported that bullying had negatively affected their academic performance.

To help raise awareness of this issue, UN Free & Equal, a global public education campaign for LGBTI equality, launched a new campaign calling on everyone – from parents and teachers to governments – to protect children’s right to live free from violence and discrimination. As part of the campaign, there is a new video called “The Lesson” that shows a young girl being bullied and how parents and children should deal with the situation.



Visit the UN Free & Equal website to learn more about the campaign and to discover other resources, including advice for parents and teachers and a factsheet.

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