Photo of the Week: Good News for a Child in CAR


Our photo of the week comes from the World Health Organization (WHO), which is working with partners in the Central African Republic (CAR) to strengthen basic health services.

Conflict in the country has pushed the health system to the brink of collapse, and more than 1 million people in CAR have fled their homes.

WHO included this caption with the photo:

Families hiding in the bush to escape violence may have survived for weeks on very little food.

Sometimes, the only thing to eat was cassava leaves. As a result many children are malnourished. Health partners are prepared to deal with medical complications of malnutrition. A health worker measures a child’s growth, and good news – this child’s nutrition is on track.

To learn more about the situation in CAR and how you can support the UN’s humanitarian response, read this blog post.

Photo credit: Chris Black/WHO

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