Pledge to #VoteFTW |


Every September 15, the world commemorates International Day of Democracy. On this day last year, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged us to “rededicate ourselves to democracy and dignity for all.” This year, International Day of Democracy comes at an even more critical turning point for the United States.

In 2016, the U.S. will witness the selection of a new leader at the UN and a new president in the White House. It is my generation – the millennial generation – that will have to live in a world governed by the future choices of these two new leaders.

Millennials will be the ones who will see the results of the progress made under the Sustainable Development Goals. We are the ones who will witness the effects of climate change in our own backyards. It’s our children who will stand to benefit the most from advances in global health and access to vaccines. Our actions this election cycle will determine the outlook of our future.

That’s why this week, our sister organization the Better World Campaign launched a non-partisan campaign called Vote like the World Depends on It to reach millennial voters.

Vote like the World Depends on It highlights six key global issues that have captured the hearts and minds of this generation. Whether it’s climate action, eradicating extreme poverty, fighting for equality for girls and women, improving children’s health, strengthening U.S. leadership, or ensuring that we leave behind a more peaceful and prosperous world than we have now, the next occupant of the Oval Office will shape our collective legacy.

The global issues we care about cannot wait for action. That’s why on November 8, I’m voting like the world depends on it. Because it does.

This International Day of Democracy, no matter who you’re voting for, pledge that you’ll exercise your democratic right to go to the polls and #VoteFTW (for the world!).

Spread the word: I’m voting like the world depends on it! Will you join me & #VoteFTW?

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