Polio, Malaria, Pneumonia…oh my! | unfoundation.org

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Five Scary Issues Facing our Planet

Tonight in the United States, as the sun sets and the moon rises, children dressed in scary costumes will take over the dark and spooky streets – ghosts, goblins and witches—oh my! Kids in costumes might not scare you – but these facts and figures about our top five scariest issues facing our planet might! See how you can take action on Halloween to create a better (and less scary) world for children everywhere.

  • Polio – While polio cases are down 99 percent, the disease has reemerged in areas that had been polio-free for years. Until permanently eradicated, polio anywhere remains a real threat to children everywhere. Polio still remains in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Learn how you can donate just $1 to help put an end to polio with our Shot@Life campaign.
  • Malaria – Every minute a child dies from malaria. Half of the world’s population is at risk of malaria, and according to the 2011World Malaria Report, more than 600,000 people die from malaria every year—nearly all of them children under 5 years old. Malaria can be prevented with the help of life-saving bed nets. Learn how you can send a net and save a life with our Nothing But Nets campaign.
  • Child Marriage – In some countries, 1 in 7 girls are married before age 15. More than 60 million girls around the world under the age of 18 are married, many to men twice their age, or older. If child marriage continues at its current rate, an additional 100 million girls in developing countries will be married within the next decade. Join Girl Up in the fight to end child marriage.
  • Pneumonia – Pneumonia is the #1 killer of children under age 5 worldwide – responsible for nearly 1 in 5 child deaths annually. In 2011 alone, 1.3 million young children died from this preventable and treatable illness. Learn how our Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is working to reduce that number.
  • Childbirth and Pregnancy complications: Every 2 minutes, a woman dies from pregnancy and childbirth complications, making reproductive health problems the leading cause of death worldwide among women ages 15 to 44. Experts estimate that 90 percent of these deaths are preventable. Learn more about the Million Moms Challenge and how you can help.

PS: Trick-or-treating tonight? Join generations of Americans in supporting millions of children around the world this Halloween. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF by collecting donations along with your candy!

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