Resolutions to Keep |

Around this time of year, a lot of people are already struggling to keep some of the resolutions they made just a few days earlier.

But some resolutions are too important to break.  Fifteen years ago, Ted Turner made a bold commitment to donate $1 billion to help the United Nations tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges.  In the time since, his donation — and the additional support and the resolution of partners like you — have helped change countless lives through the work of the UN Foundation.

Recently, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote about Ted’s extraordinary gift and how it made giving “cool.”  Read the full column here.  Kristof wrote:

“Turner channeled his money through the United Nations Foundation, where it was leveraged to get other contributions so as to bring $2 billion to finance causes from malaria to polio, from climate change to family planning.

“The gift brought new respect to the United Nations and made it increasingly fashionable for billionaires to worry about global poverty. …

“All this has helped shine a greater spotlight on neglected issues — which, in turn, has led to extraordinary results.”

Resolutions can make a difference, especially resolutions to do what we can for the world around us. What bold resolutions to help make the world a better place are you going to keep this year?  Let us know in the comment section below.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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