Showing our Jean-Orosity on #GivingTuesday

Today, the UN Foundation and more than 2,000 partners across the country are making history by launching #GivingTuesday—a movement to celebrate giving and encourage more, better and smarter giving during the Holiday Season. The UN Foundation family is taking part in this new tradition by showing our jean-orosity! Everyone who donates $10 or more to their favorite charity in honor of #GivingTuesday is allowed to wear jeans to work today. We don’t have casual Fridays, so this is a big deal. Additionally, each giver wrote on a sticky note who they donated to and added it to our UN Foundation board in the front of our office!

It’s a great feeling to look around the office and see all of our colleagues wearing jeans and feeling proud to have supported the organization that means the most to them. For this one day, jeans like are like the uniform for our team of do-gooders. Take a look at the pictures on our facebook wall of our team celebrating #GivingTuesday, and send us photos of what your team is doing to give back!

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