Supporter Spotlight: Interview with Sarah Gale, Girl Up Teen Advisor

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The United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up campaign empowers American teenage girls to raise awareness and funds for United Nations programs that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls. In September, Girl Up announced its new class of “Teen Advisors,” a group of girls who will mobilize action in their communities and provide advice to Girl Up over the next year.  I recently had the opportunity to speak to Sarah Gale, a Teen Advisor from Boca Raton, Florida.

Jenni: Why do you believe that empowering girls around the world is important?

Sarah: I believe that empowering girls around the world is important simply because it’s not fair – too many girls around the world can’t get a basic education, see a doctor, or are forced into child marriage, and this generates poverty around the world. … The cycle usually continues and continues for more girls, and it’s just not productive to have such an awful cycle occurring. When we do something about it and instill girls with the confidence that they need to go after their goals and strive for their dreams, we can help end the cycle of poverty.

Jenni: What do you hope to accomplish as a Teen Advisor?

Sarah: I hope I can empower teenage girls in the U.S. to educate their communities by starting [Girl Up] clubs and hosting their own events.  And I hope that I can contribute ideas and feedback to Girl Up that can help make the [campaign] even more incredible.  Above all, I want to spread the passion and enthusiasm not only to people in my community, but around the globe.

Jenni: Why do you think it’s important for girls in the U.S. to get involved in helping girls globally?

Sarah: I think girls in the U.S. need to recognize all the hardships and lack of opportunities that girls in developing countries really have.  Much of the things that those adolescent girls need but don’t get, like education and health services, we take for granted every day.  So I think it’s not only important, but also extremely rewarding to help a girl just like me to follow her dreams and create a life for herself, just like I want to do for myself and my life.

Jenni: How can people get involved in Girl Up and in supporting the world’s adolescent girls?

Sarah: There are so many ways to get involved in Girl Up.  I think that visiting is the best because you can learn about the cause and find resources, tools, and ideas.  And also on the website you can learn how to start your own club in your school or community, create a fundraising page, or simply donate $5 to help a girl.

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