The Blessing of a Newborn Baby Girl

When I was a little girl, my Nana used to watch me while my parents went to work. I remember how I loved pulling up to her yellow house and seeing her standing at the door of the home she loved so much. It always made me feel so safe, so secure, so loved. She was genuinely happy to see me every single morning, and that kind of love impacts a child immensely. My Nana had 3 sons, my father being her middle child, so I think she secretly loved having a little girl to take care of… lots of dolls, lots of tea parties, lots of pink.

I actually remember thinking at a very young age just what a wonderful mother my Nana would have been to a little girl. She LOVED her boys more than anything in the world, but she had a very girly girl side to her, and I only really saw that side when she was with me.

Read the entire article here.

Editor’s Note: Throughout August, top bloggers are using their voices to help protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases as part of “Blogust,” a month-long digital dialogue organized by the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign. Every time you leave a comment on any of these blog posts, Walgreens will donate a vaccine (up to 50,000 vaccines) to help give children around the world a shot at a healthy life. Comments only count when they are left on the direct Blogust post.

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