Top Ten #GivingTuesday Moments! |

Post image#GivingTuesday is still going strong — inspiring people across the globe to get out the give — but I wanted to take a step back for a minute, and share a few of the best moments so far.

Thanks to more than 10,000 partners worldwide, including in all 50 states and more than 43 countries, an unprecedented wave of charity was started — one we hope will continue to spread this concept of the “giving movement.”

So read on for the top 10 highlights of today’s 2nd annual #GivingTuesday, and stay tuned for more as exciting updates from our incredible partners continue to roll in.

1. #GivingTuesday goes GLOBAL

The #GivingTuesday movement didn’t just trend #1 on Twitter in the U.S. – it truly went global, as individuals and organizations in countries around the world continue to show support of a huge range of local charities and champions for good. With the help of partners like the United Nations Development Programme, conversations about giving (like this Google+ Hangout on Philanthropy Around the World) are taking place in capitals; on social media streams; and in circles of influence on all continents; from Singapore to Zimbabwe.

2. #GivingTuesday Partners with Google +

If you happened to find yourself on today, you would have noticed a very special #GivingTuesday shout-out. The exciting partnership with this digital powerhouse didn’t stop there – Google also took over the #GivingTuesday Google+ page and together, we hosted the first-ever Google+ Hangout-a-thon.

3. Major Matching Announcements

Companies gave big for charities around the world this #GivingTuesday. The Case Foundation reached their $75,000 match for nonprofits in just 25 minutes, raising over $100,000! Good Ventures announced $5 million in matching funds for GiveDirectly. Supporting girls in developing countries, Caterpillar Foundation pledged $10,000 in matching funds for the Girl Up campaign.  

4. #UNselfies Take Instagram by Storm

Of course, this year one can’t bring up #GivingTuesday without discussing the #UNSelfie – the Instagram movement that transformed “selfie” (the 2013 word of the year) into an outlet for people around the world to share what giving means to them. Check out Mashable’s 13 most inspiring #UNSelfies, a few of our favorites so far, and the UN Foundation staff in all their #UNSelfie action in this video.

5. #GivingTuesday Takes Over Times Square, New York City!

New Yorkers were greeted by more than a setting sun on their evening commute. #GivingTuesday took over the big screen in Times Square to keep up the momentum of 12 hours of giving.

6. Celebrities Get Out the Give

You know it’s a big deal when Hollywood takes notice – and it did in a big way. Names like Ellen DeGeneres, Heidi Klum, Eminem, Jennifer Lopez, and Kourtney Kardashian (to name a few) all took to social media to promote their causes. Check out the #GivingTuesday storify of celebrities who are participating in #GivingTuesday.

7. The White House Encourages Americans to Join the Movement

From your house to the White House, everyone found a way to give back to the community this holiday season. The White House blog said, “#GivingTuesday provides a wonderful opportunity for a national conversation about the ability of all Americans to participate in positive action.” Check out the full post here.

8. Global Giving Goes Local

#GivingTuesday continues to grow with local activities in the United States. Bmore Gives More, a new initiative launched by 15 nonprofits and businesses in Baltimore, pledged to raise $5 million on #GivingTuesday to benefit the more than 150 participating charitable organizations and programs.

Local #GivingTuesday activities also took place in Philadelphia through #GivingTuesdayPHL and in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with #GivingTuesdayBucks. The board members of First Book-DC, a nonprofit that provides new books to children in need, posted #UNselfies throughout the day.

9. Faith Leaders Give out the Give

#GivingTuesday encourages everyone to create positive change in their communities. The faith community showed their #GivingTuesday spirit by posting #UNselfies to raise funds for charity. Sylvania Franciscans-Sisters of St. Francis posted their first #UNselfie from Haiti! The United Methodist Church announced that the first-ever UMC #GivingTuesday generated a record $6.5 million for more than 880 projects and missionaries around the world.

10. UN Foundation Staff Gives Back, and Has Fun Doing It

During all the craziness today, the UN Foundation staff took time to donate to the causes they’re most passionate about too — from Girl Up, Shot@Life and Nothing But Nets to Wikipedia Foundation, Planned Parenthood, National Geographic’s Cause an Uproar, and the Washington Animal Rescue League. Take a minute to watch our team in action.

Tell us how YOU celebrated this #GivingTuesday by tweeting at @GivingTues.

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