What to Watch during UN General Assembly Week

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The buzz next week: international cooperation.

World leaders will gather in New York to discuss pressing global issues at the United Nations General Assembly.  At the same time, civil society representatives, UN officials, CEOs, entrepreneurs, development experts, and individuals will come together to discuss how we can work together on challenges including poverty, disease, and environmental degradation.

While the conversations may start in New York, they’ll be happening everywhere as citizens gather around kitchen tables and through social media to share their ideas and thoughts on how we can build a better future.

I’m especially looking forward to all of the great discussions that are planned around the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the world’s “to-do” list to reduce poverty and improve the lives of millions.

With so much going on next week, we’ve pulled together a list of events you can join even if you’re not in New York.

Sunday, September 22 – Tuesday, September 24 


Social Good Summit

Starts at noon ET every day.  Watch live at http://new.livestream.com/mashable and join the conversation online using hashtag #2030NOW.  You can also follow on Instagram using hashtags #Instacorps and #2030 NOW.
The annual Social Good Summit is a three-day discussion on how technology and social media can help solve global challenges.  Speakers this year include former Vice President Al Gore, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, Barbara Bush, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, and will.i.am, as well as UN officials, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit leaders.  Additionally, the UN Development Programme is hosting meetups in more than 60 countries.  Learn more about the summit’s partners here.

Monday, September 23


MDG Success: Accelerating Action and Partnering for Impact

10:00 AM -5:45 PM ET.  Watch live at live on UN Webcast and follow the hashtag #MDGSuccess for updates.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will host a high-level forum to accelerate action to achieve the MDGs.  This event will include a focus on multi-sector partnerships that are playing a key role in driving progress on issues including women’s and children’s health and sustainable energy.

High-Level meeting of the General Assembly on Disability and Development

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM ET.  Watch live at live on UN Webcast and join the conversation using hashtag #thisability.  Learn more about the event here.

Heads of state and government will discuss the theme of “The way forward: a disability-inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond.”  Event organizers note that: “According to the UN, there are more than a billion persons with disabilities in the world.  They face physical, social, economic and cultural barriers that hinder their access to education, employment, health services, justice system and, more broadly, society. Now is the time to help break barriers and open doors.”

Wednesday, September 25


MDG Special Event: President of the General Assembly’s Special Event towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals

9:00 AM – 6:30 PM ET. Watch live at live on UN Webcast.
The Member States of the United Nations will hold a special event during the General Assembly to discuss how to make further progress on the MDGs in the days leading to 2015 and look forward to the post-2015 development agenda.

Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves at the Clinton Global Initiative

Radha Muthiah, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will join a panel at the Clinton Global Initiative on “Delivering Products and Services to the Next Two Billion.”

Additionally, stay up-to-date on the conversation surrounding women’s and children’s health by signing up for the daily delivery of the “#MDG456Live” newsletter here.  This newsletter, produced in support of the UN Secretary-General’s Every Woman Every Child movement, will highlight reports, news, and conversations happening around the health MDGs.

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