What We’re Hearing: 8 Quotes from Social Good Summit


We just wrapped up the first day of the Social Good Summit, where we heard about big ideas from big thinkers about how we can tackle some of the world’s biggest problems.

Throughout the day, digital influencers, global advocates, and world leaders came together to talk about how technology, innovation, and digital communications can achieve the global goals for sustainable development and build a better world for all of us.

Speakers included leaders from the United Nations, the private sector, technology companies, and civil society groups, as well as people from around the world who are working to change their communities for the better.

Tomorrow promises to be just as exciting! Make sure to tune in mashable.com/sgs-livestream.

To help inspire you, here are 8 top quotes from today.

1. This is a time of fear and heartbreak…but this is also a time for hope. – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

2. You are the champions. You are the change makers. You are the leaders. You are NOT just the audience! – Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi, children’s rights advocate

3. The people know the problems, and they know the solutions as well. – Yvonne Chaka Chaka, South African singer, songwriter, performer, and global health advocate

4. There can’t be peace without sustainable development or sustainable development without peace. – Helen Clark, UN Development Programme Administrator

5. Now more than ever, people don’t want to be spectators. …They want to do something. – Ian Somerhalder, Actor & Environmentalist

6. Every small action matters. If 7 billion people take small action, change happens. – Achim Steiner, UN Environment Programme Executive Director

7. Diplomacy no longer belongs just to diplomats; it belongs to you. – U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken

8. Every one of us is responsible for the future of all of us. – Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and former head of the World Health Organization

(Photo: Katie Orlinsky)

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