What We’re Reading | unfoundation.org

Looking to catch up on reading before the school season starts?  Here are a few stories we’ve been following.

Tweet @UNFoundation and let us know what you’re reading by using hashtag #ReadingGlobal.

  • Humanitarian aid workers making a difference: A humanitarian aid worker shares his story in Devex.  From Mynamar to Mali, worker Jimmy Tuhaise takes us behind the scenes helping children in emergency and conflict situations.  The UN has launched a new campaign, #TheWorldNeedsMore, to support global humanitarian efforts.  Learn more at WorldHumanitarianDay.org.
  • Mobile phones mitigating disaster: IRIN reports on how mobile phone and other communications technologies are helping communities and organizations prepare and respond to disasters.  For example, organizations are using mobile phones to let communities know about public health emergencies.  To learn about other innovative example of how mobile technologies are improving health, visit the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA), which provides vital health information to new and expectant mothers through mobile phones.
  • New UN campaign promotes LGBT rights: The Interdependent writes about “Free & Equal,” a new UN initiative of the UN Human Rights Office to promote respect for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.  To learn more, visit unfe.org.
  • Family planning stories: The Guardian shares readers’ stories on the challenges of accessing voluntary family planning services and information.  The piece especially highlights the need for health education.  Learn more about this issue at the UN Foundation.

What else should we be reading? Tweet @UNFoundation using hashtag #ReadingGlobal.




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