What’s Up With the Weather? 24 Hours of Climate Reality Kicks Off Tonight!

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Overheard on post-Hurricane Sandy news reports, a New Jersey resident noted, “I’ve experienced three ‘once-in-a-hundred-years’ storms in the last 18 months!”  Something is up.

Dirty Energy pollution is heating up our climate, and we end up with Dirty Weather. Climate disruption affects us all, and it will take all of us together to solve it.

Today, The Climate Reality Project, an initiative of former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, is launching its second annual online event to illustrate how global climate change is connected to the extreme weather we experience in our daily lives. The entire 24-hour event will be broadcast live over the Internet.

A special appearance will be made by climate change champions, Linkin Park during the event

The broadcast begins at 8pm ET tonight, November 14 and runs through 7pm ET Wednesday November 15. It will be based out of New York, but will span each region of the world, bringing voices, news and multimedia content across all 24 time zones. It will feature videos, eye-witness reports, music, and most importantly, stories from communities moving forward with solutions.

Most of all, we’ll generate new energy and urgency around the fact that we must — and we can — work together to address the climate crisis.



Managing our impact on climate is key to tackling so many of the challenges faced around the world. Join us for 24 hours of climate reality so we can change it together! Learn more at www.climatereality.org, follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Watch 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report and share with your friends and family on your social networks, and please take a moment to help to spread the word.

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