Where is American leadership on the SDGs?

Achieving the ambitious agenda set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a global effort across nations. Recently, the United Nations Foundation and the Brookings Institution hosted an event to explore the question, “What does SDG action look like in the United States?”

At the national level, the U.S. is falling behind its peers. It is the only OECD and G-20 country that has not volunteered to report on its SDG progress at the UN, and the national government is not actively pursuing the targets. But Americans are stepping up to fill the void and are leading efforts locally and globally. From city and state governments, to universities, philanthropies, and corporations, Americans are implementing the SDGs, and their innovations are inspiring global action.

In a new blog, the UN Foundation’s Head of Policy Planning Kaysie Brown and Brookings’ Senior Fellow for Global Economy and Development Tony Pipa explore American leadership on the SDGs and share key takeaways from the event.

We encourage you to learn more about the diverse forms of American leadership and action on the SDGs.

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