Why I’m Joining #EarthToParis | unfoundation.org


Right now, world leaders at the United Nations climate negotiations in Paris are working to set a sustainable course for the future of the planet.

I don’t lead a country, but I’m in Paris today, too. People are here from all walks of life and every corner of the globe to make sure our voices are loud and clear: The world needs to step up and take strong action on climate change now.

Join the call for climate action in Paris by watching today’s Livestream and adding your voice with hashtag #EarthToParis.

Not everyone can be in the negotiating room while these historic talks happen, but everyone has a role to play in making them work. That’s why the #EarthToParis movement is on the ground in France this week, bringing together experts, advocates, business and community leaders, and messages from people around the world to amplify the call for action on climate change and spark creative solutions to make it easy for everyone to help.

Tune in to #EarthToParis live today to join the conversation and show your support for strong climate action at the UN summit this week.

I’ve been talking about climate change for years, and it hasn’t been easy. But the people in this city right now – and participating around the world – give me hope. These conversations are happening on the ground and online at the #EarthToParis hub all day today and tomorrow, and they’ll continue even after world leaders head home.

If we band together, make some noise, and rally the whole world, these negotiations can be a turning point in our global fight against climate change.

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