You+Davos+ SocialGood: What We Heard

On Tuesday, January 14, thousands of people from places around the world joined an important conversation in the lead-up to the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Organized by the +SocialGood community, “You+Davos+SocialGood” allowed anyone, from anywhere, to share their ideas about what issues leaders need to address and how technology, innovation, and new voices can help drive progress. As Boaz Paldi from the United Nations Development Programme said, “Things absolutely change because of online engagement.”

Take a look at what we heard during the conversation:


You can also check out recaps on Storify:

·  Looking Back at You+Davos+SocialGood

·  You+Davos+SocialGood Twitter Chat: Staying One Step Ahead of the (Keeling) Curve

·  You+Davos+SocialGood Twitter Chat with Esther Agbarakwe

·  You+Davos+SocialGood Twitter Chat with Lauren Bohn on her Trip to Malawi

TAKE ACTION: You can help keep this important conversation going by joining +SocialGood and using hashtags #2030Now and #WEF on Twitter. Follow +SocialGood on Twitter at @plus_socialgood.


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