12 Images of Hope from UN Week

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“This is a time of fear and heartbreak…but this is also a time for hope.”

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently spoke these words as the international community gathered at the UN for the General Assembly and a summit to adopt the new global goals for sustainable development, the world’s to-do list to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and stop environmental destruction and the threat of climate change.

Around the world, millions face conflict, disaster, poverty, discrimination, and the consequences of climate change. Yet, there is still hope for a better future for people and the planet. In recent decades, we have made incredible progress: cutting child deaths in half, reducing poverty and hunger, and getting more kids in primary school than ever before. The lesson is clear: When we – people, governments, businesses, and community organizations – step up and act, we can create change.

 Now is the time to get to work. As the international community met during UN Week to discuss our biggest challenges and opportunities, here are 12 photos to inspire you to act.

12 Images of Hope from UN Week by UN Foundation on Exposure

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