Digital Schedule: Launch of action/2015


On 15 January, organizations and individuals around the world will come together for the launch of action/2015.

The launch of action/2015 involves over 1,000 organizations in 125 countries – spanning environmental, development, and human rights movements – all of which are united in their focus on making 2015 a huge breakthrough moment for the world and its people. Many digital events will take place across various action/2015 partner channels – including Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Expect interviews, panel discussions, and Twitter chats on these digital platforms about poverty, climate change, and inequalities – and how we’re going to change things in 2015.

Below is a schedule of digital events happening for the launch of action/2015.


5:00pm ET Jan. 14: Women for Change in Cameroon

Facebook Q&A


11:30pm ET Jan 14: Justice, Equalities & Post 2015 Scenario – Twitter Chat

Description: Will be posting the messages and motivational quotes with #action2015 #action2015Pakistan hashtags, mainly focus will be on Justice, Equalities and Post 2015 scenario, also the conversation will be open to all for interactions, Questions and Answers

Participants: Hira Sadia Saeed, National Secretariat – Pakistan Development Alliance (@action2015Pak, @awazcdspk, @HiraASiddiqi)


9:00am ET: Action/2015 Kick Off – Google Hangout

Description: 2015 is a pivotal year for people and the planet as world leaders work on two agreements: the next set of global goals to follow the Millennium Development Goals and a climate change agreement. This hangout will explore the opportunities of 2015 and highlight the launch of action/2015, a coalition of nearly 1,000 organizations in more than 120 countries around the world working to make 2015 a year of action.

Event Link:


  • Mark Goldberg (UN Dispatch – moderator)
  • Robert Skinner (Executive Director, New York Office Operations, United Nations Foundation)
  • Laurie Moskowitz (Sr. Director for US Campaigns at ONE)
  • Marie L’Hostis (action/2015 Global Hub Coordinator)


9:00am ET: Healthy Oceans Post-2015 -Twitter Chat

Description: A lively Twitter discussion about the current state of our oceans with a broad range of stakeholders from representatives of communities and sectors directly impacted by unhealthy oceans, activists, scientists/experts and funders. This event is meant to be a general introduction to the many issues affecting the health of oceans and feature many of the different actors involved.


  • Scope Group (@scopeconsult)
  • Abbie Jung (@abbiejung)
  • Cesar Harada, Scoutbots (@Cesarharada)
  • Doug Woodring, Ocean Recovery Alliance (@Oceanrecov)


9:00am ET: Age Helps Bingo – Social Media Bingo Game

Event Link

Description: We will ask people to tweet, or comment on Facebook, the key issues affecting older people that they think world leaders should be addressing in 2015, e.g. “gender equality”. When our bingo card is full, we’ll send out an image highlighting both action/2015 and HelpAge’s work.

Participants: @helpage #action2015 and #agehelpsbingo


9:30am ET: Innovation for Global Change – Twitter Chat

Description: As we look at the next 15 years, entrepreneurship and innovation will be critical to creating jobs and growing economies. This Twitter chat will discuss what’s working and what needs to be done to promote innovation.


  • Plus SocialGood @plus_socialgood
  • Nelson Muffah @nmuffuh (UN)
  • Grace Clapham @agent_grace & @TheChangeSchool (Change School)
  • Chris Locke @cariboudigital (CEO Caribou Digital)
  • Renee Wittemyer @reneewittemyer (Intel)
  • Johanna Hellrigl @wdn and @iriglobal (IRI)
  • MAMA @mamaglobal and @KGagnaire
  • Y2Y – World Bank @Y2YWBG


10:00am ET: Taking Action in Vietnam – Twitter Chat

Description: The country of Vietnam has made remarkable progress towards achieving ambitious targets, such as the MDGs, in the past two decades. The post-2015 era holds both challenges and opportunities for the country to continue making progress on vital goals. A group of international journalists, who are currently spending a week in the country looking at maternal and child health issues and successes, will share their insights about what action in 2015 and beyond will mean for a country like Vietnam.


  • @esh2440 – Esha Chaabra, freelance journalist based in LA
  • @FrancesSSellers – Frances Sellers, Washington Post
  • @kara_vickery – Kara Vickery, The Sunday Times, Western Australia
  • @kimmackrael – Kim Mackrael, The Globe and Mail, Canada
  • @jpatadams – Patrick Adams, freelance journalist based in Istanbul
  • @tomwhite7 – Tom White, Press Association, UK


10:00am ET: The road from the MDGs to the SDGs – Google Hangout

Event Link

Description: The Millennium Development Goals have improved the lives of millions of people. As we approach the target date for the MDGs and create the next set of goals, we must keep up the momentum. This hangout will examine the progress we’ve made, the lessons we’ve learned, and the challenges and opportunities ahead.


  • Minh Thu Pham, Senior Director of Policy at United Nations Foundation (Moderator)
  • Leith Greenslade, Vice-Chair, MDG Health Alliance, Office of the UN Special Envoy for Financing the Health Millennium Development Goals
  • Corinne Woods, Principal Adviser Post 2015 at United Nations Foundation
  • Jonathan Glennie, Director of Policy and Research at Save the Children UK
  • Eloise Todd – Global Policy Director, ONE


10:30am ET: The Importance of 2015 for the Movement to End Extreme Poverty – Twitter Chat

Description: 2015 is a crucial year for the goal to end extreme poverty by 2030. Hugh Evans, CEO of the Global Poverty Project will be on Twitter to respond to questions on the importance of 2015 and what this means for the global citizen movement.

Participants: Hugh Evans, CEO, Global Poverty Project @HughCEvans


11:00am ET: Climate: People and the Planet – Twitter Chat

Description: We are already feeling the damaging effects of climate change. This Twitter chat will highlight the need — and opportunities — to act on climate to ensure a better future for people and the planet.


  • Parker Liautaud: Fellow and Directorate at Yale Climate @parkerliautaud
  • Climasphere @Climasphere
  • Lucia of World Bank Group @Connect4Climate
  • Stephen Keppel, VP of Empowerment Initiatives for Univision News @stephenkeppel
  • Angelica Kalika – Climate Reality @ClimateReality
  • Tom Kerr, Lead, Climate Policy & Finance. International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group @Kerrclimate


11:30am ET: Health and Happiness for Moms and Babies -Twitter Chat

Description: What intervention(s) should we prioritize to boost health and happiness for moms and babies?


  • Johnson&Johnson @jnjglobalhealth
  • Jhpiego @jhpiego
  • Every Mom Counts @everymomcounts
  • Save the Children @savethechildren @dajones17
  • Mothers2Mothers @m2mtweets
  • Fistula Foundation @fistula_fdtn
  • MAMAglobal @mamaglobal
  • Universal Access Project @UnivAccessProj
  • World Vision @worldvision @WVUSadvocacy @kate_eardley


12:00pm ET: Cause for a New Generation – Google Hangout

Event Link

Description: Young people will be the ones to lead the way on implementing the next set of goals. This hangout will explore how young people are leading and can lead in the future.


  • Jackson Dougan – S. Youth Observer to the United Nations (Moderator)
  • Tina Wells – CEO & Founder, Buzz Marketing Group and member of the G.E.C.
  • Adnane Addioui – Chair of the Moroccan Center for Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship and Country Leader for Enactus Morocco
  • Saskia Schellekens – Special Advisor to SG’s Envoy on Youth, United Nations –
  • Eloise Todd – Global Policy Director, ONE
  • Meighan Stone – Malala Fund
  • Professor Matt Cone & Global Health Club students – Carrboro High School, Carrboro, NC


12:00pm ET: Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) –Twitter Chat

Description: A strong indicators framework and monitoring mechanisms will be key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). @clairemelamed of @data_rev & @odi_development and @JessicaEspey of @UNSDSN will be taking your questions about the SDGs indicators framework, the data revolution, and what’s needed to effectively measure post-2015 progress. Tweet your questions using #indicators2015!


  • Claire Melamed, Director of Poverty and Inequality Programme at Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Lead author of UN Secretary General’s Expert Group on the Data Revolution (IEAG)
  • Jessica Espey, Program Leader – Monitoring and Accountability for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) 


1:00pm ET: Reproductive and Maternal Health – Twitter Chat

Description: To ensure healthy family and communities, women need access to quality reproductive and maternal health care, including voluntary family planning. This Twitter chat will highlight the challenges and opportunities to make progress on these issues in the next global development agenda.


  • Esther Agbarakwe (@estherclimate – Nigeria)
  • Global Moms Challenge @Chrysula and @GlobalMomsChall
  • Kirsten Gagnaire (Executive Director of MAMA) @kgagnaire @mamaglobal
  • FP20/20 @FP2020Global
  • @UnivAccessProj
  • @MerckforMothers
  • Javier Munoz (PAHO/WHO @pahowh @opsoms (Spanish)
  • @UnfEWEC


1:00pm ET: Sustainable Energy in Africa #Post2015 – Twitter Chat

Description: Join the Green Africa Directory in celebrating the globally rally of action on the Post-2015 agenda by participating in our Twitter Chat focused on sustainable energy in Africa #Post 2015. The aim of our chat is to raise awareness about what’s already happening in Africa in terms of sustainable energy (renewables, energy efficiency and low carbon development) and what the targets and priorities for Africa should be as the world prepares to agree on sustainable development goals and the post-2015 agenda in September 2015.

Participants: Kate Berrisford (South Africa, moderator)


2:00pm ET: Energy: 2015 and Beyond – Twitter Chat

Description: Sustainable energy is essential to sustainable develompent. This Twitter chat will highlight how we can make progress on expanding the use of sustainable energy solutions.


  • Jacques-Philippe Piverger (CEO, mpowerd @jacquespiverger)
  • Jon Gensler (@jgensler Securing America With Clean Energy)
  • Nate Sandvig (Renewable Energy Advocate @N8than
  • Andrew Herscowitz (Power Africa, @herscowitz)
  • Angelica Kalika (@ClimateReality)


2:00pm ET: How can the post-2015 development agenda bring the Caribbean closer together?

Description: [2pm-3pm] How can the post-2015 development agenda bring the Caribbean closer together? What do you want to see for the Caribbean in 2030? If you were President or Prime Minister for the day, what would you change in your country? If you were in an elevator with the UN Secretary General for one (1) minute, what would you say to him? What does change mean to you? // [3pm-4pm] Live Question and Answer segment between participants on the general topics of Climate Change, Poverty, Social development or any other related issue.


  • Action/2015 Caribbean Team
  • Accion 2015 RD based in Dominican Republic


2:15pm ET: Learning from Failures – Live tweeted panel discussion

Description: Innovators and practitioners will share stories of failure and lessons learned (humanitarian intervention)


  • UNHCR Innovation (@UNHCRInnovation)
  • Michelle Risinger
  • Nick Martin (@ncmart)
  • Katherine Arnold (@cookstoves)
  • Russell Greiff  (@russellty)


2:30pm ET: Multi-Sector Approach to Combat Human Trafficking – Google Hangout

Event Link

Description: Human trafficking is a $99 billion industry, a multi-sector approach is critical and necessary. Learn about what Nexus and Nomi Network is doing to combat slavery.


  • Dr. Sarah Jane Murray (moderater)

  • Diana Mao, President and Co-founder of Nomi Network, Co-chair of Nexus Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery Working Group

  • Sanjay Rawal, the Director of Food Chains


3:00pm ET: Social Determinants Johnson&Johnson chat – Twitter Chat

Description: Achieving MDGs 4, 5, and 6 is a monumental challenge, requiring a global effort. @JNJGlobalHealth will co-host a Twitter chat on Thursday, January 15th at 3 pm ET for members of the global health and development community to discuss the social determinants standing in the way of making MDGs 4, 5, and 6 a reality.


  • Moderator: Chun-Mei Li (@ChunMeiLi), Johnson & Johnson;
  • Co-hosts: UN Foundation (@UNFoundation)
  • Johnson & Johnson Global Health (@JNJGlobalHealth)
  • Microcredit Summit (@MicroCredSummit)
  • Solar Electric Light Fund (@solarfund)


3:00pm ET: Action/2015 and the Post-2015 Agenda: A Global Call to Act 

Event Link

Description: Join UNA-USA for a nationwide conference call with Robert Skinner of the UN Foundation, who will provide an in-depth look at the action/2015 movement, and with John W. McArthur, also of the UN Foundation, who will discuss the broader context of the Post-2015 agenda.

Participants: Hosted by John McArthur (Senior Fellow at United Nations Foundation) and Robert Skinner (Executive Director, New York Office Operations, United Nations Foundation)

Call in details: U.S./Canada Dial-in: 1-800-946-0722 Passcode: 2978960


3:30pm ET: #Action2015: The Movement to Defeat Malaria –Twitter Chat

Description: Join Nothing But Nets to celebrate the successes of the malaria community and discuss how we can take action in 2015 as the United Nations develops a new set of world goals.


  • Friends of the Global Fight (@theglobalfight)
  • President’s Malaria Initiative (@PMIgov)


4:00pm ET: Investing in Girls – Google Hangout

Event Link

Description: Adolescent girls are among the most vulnerable and hardest-to-reach populations, and they are key to accelerating progress toward a more sustainable world. The barriers that adolescent girls face should be addressed throughout the post-2015 process so that girls have the ability to reach their full potential. This Google Hangout will explore the challenges adolescent girls face, their needs and the importance of investing in their future through their inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  • Simone Cowan, Girl Up Teen Advisor (moderator)
  • Denise Dunning (Founder and Executive Director, Let Girls Lead)
  • Vivian Onano (Youth Advisor, UN Women)
  • Karen Frederickson (Senior Advisor in the Office of the Administrator for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, USAID)
  • Hazami Barmada (+SocialGood)


4:30pm ET:  Healthy Children Healthy Future – Twitter Chat

Description: Join Shot@Life to discuss how vaccines make a difference in children’s health now and why they must be integral part of the world’s next set of development goals.


  • Shot@Life
  • @Gavi
  • @UnfEWEC
  • Shot@Life Champions


5:30pm ET: Global Resolutions Declaration – Twitter Chat

Description: +SocialGood will host a Twitter chat releasing and discussing their Global Declaration based on submissions from community members around the world


6:00pm ET: Share Why You Care Twitter Chat

Description: We invite you to share why you care about the #action2015 agenda. Tweets, Facebook posts, Instagrams are all welcome in the final rally!


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