Help Us “Get out the Give!”

Just a few years ago, we all witnessed the birth of a new day that changed the way people think about holiday shopping: Cyber Monday. Today I am writing about something I think can be an even bigger game changer, #GivingTuesday.

The United Nations Foundation builds partnerships to support innovative campaigns and initiatives that help the UN address the world’s most pressing problems. We believe that, in a world where social media and mobile phones connect us all, you don’t have to be a world leader or a billionaire to raise your voice in support of the UN and UN causes. So we think #GivingTuesday is a natural time to rally together to help make a difference for the whole world.

Here are a few ways that you can join with us to make a difference this #GivingTuesday:

I believe that each of us this #GivingTuesday, can help change the dialogue around giving. Instead of just focusing on ”finding deals” during the holiday season, we can find ways to unite, contribute and serve to help create a better world.

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