In Case You Missed It

We’re at the end of another busy and exciting week here at the United Nations Foundation. To get you up to speed on the latest happenings, here is this week’s installment of In Case You Missed It, a round-up of news on the UN Foundation and the issues we care about.

  •  Asked and Answered:  The Million Moms Challenge interviews Radha Muthiah, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, about the need for clean cooking solutions that improve the health of families and the environment.
  • Happening Soon! World Humanitarian Day: Sunday, August 19th marks World Humanitarian Day – a day to recognize humanitarian workers and everyone who takes time to help others.  Join Beyoncé (yes, superstar Beyoncé), the United Nations and many others in celebrating the day by doing something good for someone else.
  • Making a Difference On and Off the Court: Ruth Riley, WNBA star and Nothing But Nets champion, writes about how athletes can inspire people and help build a better future.
  •  It’s Never too Soon to Help Change the World: Girl Up teen advisor Priyanka Jain gives advice to other young people about how they can get involved in solving global issues.

What else is going on?  Let us know what you’re reading.  And keep checking the blog for more information on the UN Foundation’s work.

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