UN – United Nations

Time for Climate Action | unfoundation.org

I’ve been talking about climate change for a long time because I believe this is an issue we have to get right. Climate change is one of the world’s most serious problems – but moving to a cleaner energy future is also one of the world’s greatest business opportunities. Given the scale of the challenge – and the opportunity – we must act now to tackle climate change. Today, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has […]

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#2030Now: 5 Themes from the Social Good Summit

The 2014 Social Good Summit just wrapped up, and the best word to describe it is inspiring. As leaders gather at the United Nations to address shared global challenges, citizens from Tunisia to Gaza to Ukraine to Sudan to the United States spoke about how citizens can use technology and social media to create a better world for all by 2030. Here are five themes that emerged through this truly global conversation on #2030NOW. You

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What UN Week Means to President Obama

The 69th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly began yesterday morning with a message of urgency and a strong dose of reality. Few leaders—most especially President Obama—could argue with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon when he said: “It may seem as if the world is falling apart, as crises pile up and disease spreads. But leadership is precisely about finding the seeds of hope and nurturing them into something bigger. That is our duty.” From

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5 Speeches You Need to Watch from the UN General Assembly

Throughout this week, leaders from around the world have discussed our most urgent challenges while gathered in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. Here are five speeches from the week that you should watch. 1. Emma Watson, UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, delivered a powerful speech on gender equality as part of the UN’s “ HeForShe” campaign to involve boys and men in the movement. 2. Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner , a civil society representative

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6 Snapshots from UN General Assembly Week

Last week, leaders from more than 140 nations, the private sector, and civil society converged in New York for the 69th United Nations General Assembly and a number of events on pressing global challenges. Our gallery below shows six top images from the week: 1. More than 300,000 people including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon took to New York’s streets in an unprecedented march for climate action on Sunday, September 21. Photo credit: UN Photo. 2.

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Social Good Summit 2014: La Conversación Global

Autor Invitado, Liza Gross, Consultura de Comunicaciones Líderes globales, innovadores, artistas y emprendedores se dieron cita en la Social Good Summit 2014 durante dos intensas jornadas para conversar sobre los grandes desafíos globales y sus soluciones. Cientos de personas se congregaron en Nueva York el 21 y 22 de septiembre para asistir al evento organizado por Mashable, 92Y, PNUD, Caterpillar, Bill y Melinda Gates Foundation, y la Fundación de las Naciones Unidas. La conversación también

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Six Things to Know About Child Survival Since 2000

By John McArthur, UN Foundation Senior Fellow and visiting fellow in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution and Christine Zhang, Research Analyst in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on the Brookings Institution’s Up Front blog here. In this blog, John McArthur and Christine Zhang highlight six facts on child survival since the launch of the Millennium Development Goals. For a

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UNA-USA and PwC US: Fostering Financial Literacy For A Global Generation

Today’s youth need quality education to become global and financially literate citizens, and UNA-USA is now on the forefront of providing these resources. Along with our greater goal to educate and inspire Americans on the vital work of the United Nations, we firmly believe in giving students the tools to become global citizens. Because of this belief, I’m excited to tell you about a new education curriculum we are launching in collaboration with PwC U.S.

UNA-USA and PwC US: Fostering Financial Literacy For A Global Generation Read More »

Mobile: More than an Idea – A Solution

During the United Nations General Assembly last week, we heard a lot about mobile technology and its ability to promote positive change in communities around the world. During the Social Good Summit, President and CEO of the United Nations Foundation Kathy Calvin said, “Information is power, and technology is the way to empower women.” Calvin advocates that when women are connected, healthy, and empowered, the benefits extend beyond their own lives: Families are healthier and

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